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What is Computer Science and Engineering? Why it is necessary to you?

What is 
Computer Science and Engineering?

To tell in a short form Computer Science and Engineering is a field that focuses on using computers to solve problems, perform functions, and make products.

Computer Science focuses on logic, algorithms, and data structures while Engineering focuses on designing new tools to solve problems. For example, Computer Science can be applied to designing websites which have features such as user authentication and content management systems. Computer Engineers also design computers with processors and memory but they focus more on the hardware side of things.

The field has helped people find new ways to communicate with each other over long distances by developing programs like email which are used today by companies all over the world.

Course Structure of Computer Science and Engineering:

In Computer Science and Engineering you can gain knowledge in Programming, algorithm, software & web development related subjects. Also basics of networking can be learn there. Therefore there is Physics, Math and Electric Related Subject is involved there. However CSE is oriented towards programming. 

What is the future in this course?

As we know digitalization is enlarging that will increase computer science engineers requirement for job sectors. Also you will be able to participate in passive income like, Web Developing, Software Development, Game Development etc. So CSE undergrads have bright future ahead with wide scope if they utilize their current graduation time in an apt way.

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